College students often feel the urge to earn some extra money online to make life easier & better inside the campus. Healthy thought. But the usual scenario is they fail at it. It’s never a fault of college students. It’s about getting to know the real feasible ways to earn money online.
College students, you should keep one thing in mind, Internet is full of fraudsters. It’s very harder to find genuine information and genuine sites where you can earn some extra money online. Today I will tell you how you can do it without spending a single rupee.
College students come searching for online jobs and in return they are offered fake data entry, Paid to click, paid surveys and other craps asking money from them. They are not told what they do deserve.
Now before I begin I want you to know the proven WAYS TO EARN MONEY First of all you are a student and you have your studies to complete. You can’t go online for all the time ensuring your future deep down the Ganges. If you can utilize your free time to do some constructive stuffs on Internet, there is hope for you. Starting a blog from the scratch and getting it ranked in search engines result pages would be a real tough job for a college student.But writing on a subject you love and have expertise with can earn you money online.
I will tell you about some AdSense revenue sharing sites where you can get paid for writing only. Concept is simple. Adsense is Googles Ad publishing product. Advertisers all over the world advertise in Googles Adword program and Google publishes those Ads through AdSense. Website/blog owners publishes Adsense ads on their sites and get paid by Google if website visitors click on those ads. This is called pay per click. Google charges advertisers for every click, takes a cut and gives the rest to Publisher of Ads.
I recommend you join Hubpages where you have to create hubs or articles and get an AdSense account through Hubpages to run Ads in your hubs. Everything will be taken over by Hubpages Administrator. Your only work is to write with a knowledge of on page SEO & building some links to your hub from other related webpages/websites. Hubpage is basically a revenue sharing site, the revenue you will be earning from ads will be divided into 60-40 ratio. 60% is yours. And Hubpages keeps the rest 40%. But see you are spared from maintain a blog or website of your own & it would be easy for you get your articles/hubs indexed in the search engine’s result pages as because you are writing on an established & trusted domain. Signing up for Hubppages is absolutely free.
With the same concept explained above I suggest you join Bukisa & IndiaStudyChannel where you college students will get paid for writing.
I did not recommend you blogging because it takes time to become successful with blogging and earning money from it. In case you want to know about it.. go through this Clear Guide To Earn without Investment
What will you write?
I knew you would be asking this question. If I were you, I would have written about my major subjects of my discipline. That way your college studies would not be hampered much. I would have written about my interests. But one thing to keep in mind here, you need to do a little bit of keyword research before you start writing on something as because your ultimate aim is to earn money from writing and not mere helping others.
How will I get Paid?
Healthy inquisitiveness. You can receive money by Checks, Credit Cards, PayPal, AlertPay etc.
Now it’s over to you. Let me know through comments how did you take it. Happy writing & earning money online.