This is may well be the simplest thanks to create cash with fun activities while not got to pay some cash to begin. i believe everybody already realize some web site out there giving some money for a few transfer service. however have you ever detected somebody create a decent cash from this fun daily activities? largely ancient similar service can providing you with most $10 for one,000 transfer however in ShareCash it’s growing to hour, you may earn twenty to sixty cents per download!
In simulation if your files get download at least 100 times daily and your download rate is $0.50 per download then you will earn $50 daily, in a month if this statistic stable you should earn $1,500.00 monthly… not bad 
This is a fair rate I think, before we start we need a little strategy. First we may looking for hosting, find a warez hosting or hosting allowed you to linking a warez files then build your blog/website with information linked to this sharecash files. If you don’t want spend your money for hosting then just use some free hosting service out there! I’m not forced you’ll to buy hosting, it’s just an option to make a better organized files and information.
Here is my tips and trick for people want to earn money easy money using ShareCash:
- Upload files that people looking for/rare, Usually this is a warez files or some important document or anything that will take people attention.
- Promote your files in forum or social networking (facebook, myspace, etc) or using SEO technique to get lot of viewer (NO SPAM, EVERYONE HATE SPAM).
- If you’re limited by not allowed warez files, uploading a genuine files in sharecash then uploading the other files on rapidshare or some website with similar service.
- Keep continue promoting and updated your file list.
Minimum payout is $10