Plethora of reasons are there to back up the initiative of earning money online because if somebody can earn some extra money, nothing can be better than that. Well, lets not be emotional. Lot of things to be known & lot
of things to be implemented. Let us get back to the spinal point of the topic. Ways to earn money online. There is no dearth of ways indeed. The only limitation could be your imagination. As I am writing for beginners I will try to generalize the ways and explain with the simplest way possible.
1. Selling Your Own Product :
You have to have a product of your own copyright or patent to sell. Product could be digital or physical. If you do not have any you can make one or you can buy PLR(Private Label Rights) products or MRR (Master Resale Rights) product to make it your own. Lot of people earn money online by selling information in the form of an e-book. E-book could be about anything. Your product could be software or even snake oil. Either you have to take the help of portals like e-bay to display & sell your product or you have to create your own website, recruit affiliates, conduct effective search engine optimization and advertise if possible.
2. Selling Other peoples product:
Concept is simple. You help others to sell their products and get a commission if you can make the sell. In internet marketing terminology this marketing concept is known as “Affiliate Marketing“. Affiliate is You & the product owner is Merchant. You can directly get involved with the Merchant or take the help of network like Clickbank.Com or other affiliate networks.This concept has been a favorite money maker for maximum number of Internet marketers. To succeed with this you need to build up your credibility and expertise on the subject and then only you can recommend people to buy something. For that to happen you need to interact an online community. That could be blogging, web mastering, socializing in social media like Facebook micro blogging platform like twitter or by list building by squeeze pages, JV partners and following up that list of potential buyers, Participating in yahoo answers and lot others. And obviously you can advertise in Adword like famous networks to become a PPC (Pay Per Click) affiliate.
3. Selling Advertisements :
This is kind of an easiest way to earn money online in India. You have got program like Adsense. What more do you want? To sell advertisements you need advertising space of your own and have to make that place conspicuous. A blog or website could serve the purpose. If & only if you can bring visitors to your blog and website and have them click on the ads displayed in your blog or website, you will earn money. Cost per 1000 impression ads are also there. Concept is simple Advertisers opt to display ads in content networks via Adwords/Adsense and they pay per click to Adword. Adword takes a cut and give the rest to you. To build sites for Adsense income, you surely need to educate and equip yourself with the techniques.
4. Freelancing :
A freelancer is a person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them. A self employed independent expertise seller. Concept is work for others online and get paid for that. Most viable concept. The area of service is again limitless. One can be a freelance web designer, an SEO freelancer, A copywriter, programmer and what not. A blog of your own helps in promoting yourself. Freelance networks like Guru.Com, are the places where you can find employers looking for freelancers to get their job done. You need to learn the tactics of freelancing for that matter. Freelance Folder will help you in this regard.
5. Writing :
This has been a popular choice to those who wants to earn money without any sort of investments. Some popular websites provides opportunity to people to publish unique articles and pay the authors if they get clicks from the ads displayed in that article page. Very simple and genuine way to earn money online from India. Hubpages, squidoo, Associated Content, Bukisha, Triond are the websites where you can get paid for writing only. A good writer has to be good in SEO as well in order to earn more from this work from home opportunity.
6. Paid Reviews :
Other marketers and online businesses needs you to review their product or service in front of your blog/website readers. They are ready to pay for the same. Maybe twenty dollar or may be $400 for a single review. you need qualification to do this. A blog with a good reader base and RSS subscriber is the qualification.
Update: Google is not taking it easy and consider it as link selling followed by PR drop and loss of search engine ranking.
7. Domain Flipping & Website flipping : is my domain name. Flipping means buying and selling. Buying low and selling high. Though most of the dictionary words and several combination of them have already been registered, still there is market for domains. Those who are able to speculate the future value of still unregistered domain names and participate in domain flipping can surely make huge profit out of it. Same applies to website flipping. One needs to build websites and make it grow and then make the sale.
8. PTC or Paid to Click :
here the concept is get paid to click. Several websites want to pay you for clicking ads or watching promotional emails. These websites collect ads from advertisers. Advertisers chose this sort of promotional tactics very wisely. They go by the probability of a mere ad clicker turning to be a buyer. And the cost of advertising is very less. Anyways you can not even support your internet cost only clicking ads. You have to take the due advantage of referring people to that website in question through your referral link to make any significant money.
9. MLM or Multi level Marketing:
From ethical point of view this marketing method is not recommended. But if you are just interested in the money, you can go for it. You have to convince others to join through your link. Another option is you mastermind a MLM business model and go ahead with it online.
10. Online Trading :
This is also a viable technique of wealth accumulation. But you need to educate yourself about investing, intraday trading, Forex trading before you jump into it. Otherwise you are gone.
11. Being a Fraud :
I shouldn't have included this as one of the ways to earn money online. But if you can mastermind a system capitalizing on the ignorance of potential buyers, you can surely make money online sitting right here in India.