
Put Your Video In Youtube First Page

After much thought I decided to release this as a free method. This won't get you ranked on the first day, in fact I've only managed to rank a video on the first page after a minimum of 4 days! One of my videos has finally ranked at the bottom of page 1 with a comp level of 27,000 and global monthly search of 29,700 after 4 days. So if you want a rank quick guide then you will have to find it somewhere else (I don't believe these rank quick methods are guaranteed myself, I've tried and it works but bounces back after a few hours) I do have a guide to rank quick and I'm debating if I should release it in the promoted methods section, it works for 2-3 days and then bounces back. Anyways on with the method. 

The first thing you need is your niche and videos (obviously) YouTube accounts and all the other obvious things, once you have them then come back 

So you have them? Lets begin.

Head over to YouTube and login to the account you are using (Clear cookies and cache and turn on your Proxy/VPN before doing so) begin to upload your video. Now whilst your video is uploading we are going to do some onsite SEO, for your title enter the exact keyword your aiming for, for this tutorial I'll be using "Free mine craft premium account" So for my title I'll use "Free mine craft premium accounts" If it's a spun video then change it up to something like "How to get free mine craft premium accounts" 


So this one is a hit and miss with some people! People say to just add your site URL and keyword stuff!NOOOO!!!! Google don't like this for sites.... Did you know YouTube are owned by Google?? No! Well they are! So if they don't like it for sites they sure as hell ain't going to like it for videos... So for the description you want to write between 500-800 words. I ain't going to do that for this for this tutorial as it's a Sunday and I'm being lazy, what you need to do though is make it unique don't copy and paste, hell you wanna copy and paste then open up notepad and spin the content! Just make it as unique as you can, I prefer to write my own so I know it is unique. After that I head over to a online word count checker (link at the bottom) and check to see if I'm over 500 words. The reason we want a nice description is because YouTube can't tell what your video is about by watching it so they need something to read! Hence tags and title and so on. Pretend your a bot.. You pretending?? Now you have 2 videos in front of you, there both targeting mine craft premium accounts as a keyword. One has the key word in the title and a unique description with over 500 words, not been stuffed with keywords whilst the other has 100- words and has mine craft premium pasted all over it! Who would you rank higher??? So make your description count!! Unique, worth reading, no stuffing! Use your keywords in it of course.. Just mix it up a bit. I'll write a brief description now as a example.

hxxp:// (link to download/site)

Have you been searching high and low to find a working "mine craft premium account" generator? Have you done loads of surveys just to find you have been scammed? Yes!! Well look no further. Here athxxp:// we give you a working "mine craft" generator for "free". We have been working on our "premium account" generator for a year and half now and pride Ourselfs in being one of the only working generators on YouTube. With out generator you can have a "free minecraft premium account" instantly.

Notice the "highlighted" words? These all count to ranking for "freeminecraft premium accounts" After you have wrote 500+ words trust me the bots are going to love you. Also sell it to the viewer!!


Again people spam keywords in there tags! I remember when YouTube used to show you all the tags for a video. Did you ever see a video with something like 

"free" "minecraft" "premium" "accounts" "premium accounts" "minecraft premium" "accounts" "bulls**t" "bulls**t" "and more bulls**t"

SPAM!!!!! Only use one or two tags. If I was trying to rank for premium minecraft accounts I'd use "free premium minecraft accounts" and "minecraft accounts" That's it! You have just given the bot a title with your main keyword and a description of over 500 words with your main keyword and variables of your keywords, the last thing it want's to see your keyword all over the tags section! It just needs you to confirm it once or twice max that's it, only the keyword you want to rank for! The bots are clever! It knows what you want to rank for from the description and title! Don't spam the tags as-well.

Last thing for this page. See on the right hand side where it says category ? Set it to news and politics, what ever your ranking for set it to news and politics... Don't know why but YouTube seem to have a thing going on with news and politics hence ranking you a bit higher.

Now click the advanced tabs! At the top near general settings.. see it?? Yep that one click it!! Now only one thing to do here! Date created.. Set it for the date you upload it, don't know why this helps but it does. Tried and tested myself and seen results.

Off site SEO:

Now once you have done the above get a few backlinks to your video, go to Facebook and find pages related to your niche (this is the only time I'm going to say this) SPAM THE F**K OUT OF THEM PAGES post it once on every page you can find related to your niche. Do the same with twitter and any other social media site you find. Save the URL to every page you just posted your video on and head over to a pinger site. I use pingler for single pings or Bulkping for bulk pinging. Only ping each URL once. If your not a cheap skate like me then head over to fiver and buy some backlinks to your video. Make sure you contact the seller first and ask if he accepts YouTube videos. Once you have your gig and the URL's guess what... Ping them 

And that's all the off site you can do, what this does is create a media buzz about your video that isn't related to YouTube directly! Yes it's a YouTube video but it isn't on the YouTube site so in the eyes of YouTube your video is getting noticed and is becoming popular, this is good for you as you get ranked higher. 

Now just quickly you may notice your video shoot to page one, first position after doing this but don't get high!! you won't stay there long, give it a few hours or a day and you will bounce back! 

Now head over to your favorite YouTube exchange programme and blast your video with no more than 250 views, if YouTube detect your views as being spam they tend to freeze your view count until you generate unique views. So only send 250 views, send a few likes and a few comments for good measure! Now leave it!! That's it job done for the day. 

Day 2: 

Find the page your video is now ranked on and see how you stand! Check on your comments and view count, if you have any comments reply back to them! For instance I had a comment saying something like "Cheers guys you helped alot <3" I logged into the account and simply replied to the comment something like "No problem, your welcome and glad we could help. Don't forget to tell your friends about us" YouTube love stuff like this! Did you know every time you comment your leaving a link to your channel via your name?? Yep true! This in turn is another backlink to your channel where your video is!! More hype for you! So yeah day 2 just reply to comments and maybe build a few more links if you want! 

by this point you should be getting unique views from YouTube itself so now is the time to start sending more views, build more backlinks and maybe post on your channel with some random rubbish related to your niche! YouTube also sends bots to your channel as-well so if you really want to do yourself a favor then optimize your channel for you niche as-well it can only help you out. end of day 2 

Day 3

You should notice your ranking increase by now.. That's a good thing believe it or not this time when you get to page one your gonna stay there So today just do the same as day 2! reply to comments, send a few more views and comments. You should slow down on the views now though. By now your video should def be getting more and more unique views from YouTube  Also maybe one or two views form twitter or Facebook or any other backlink you have! Nice quite day today 

Day 4

You should by now hopefully be on the first page or at the top of page 2. You know what to do views, comments, likes, backlinks and ping the new backlinks. literally rinse and repeat the last few steps from day 1 and 2. Now obviously as the days go by you have to do less and less to rank! So start working on a new niche or something! Maybe create your own Facebook page for your video/channel! This boosted me rather rapidly! I have 2 likes on the page but after creating the page I shot from the bottom of page 2 to the bottom of page 1!! Huge increase for me.

So that's pretty much it! The idea is basically backlinks and unique views, YouTube rank on social standings! you have a video with huge social standing like Facebook and so on then your gonna rank higher and higher, obviously you know when to tell if a comp level is to high or not but this method does work if you stick with it 

Don't get impatient because your video isn't ranking, we are all the same in the eyes of YouTube Google. They don't care if you're young, old, black, white or even yellow with pink spots!! They just care about the information related to the users search query and the social buzz around you! If you can put in the one link more or that one paragraph more than your competitors you're going to out rank them in time. The servers are only update once or twice a day I believe  so if you ping a list of links and you don't move, don't think it hasn't worked! Give it time to update the servers and your ranking!! Rome wasn't built in a day!You want to make bank you have to work for it.

If anybody else has anything else to add to this then fill free to leave it below.

My list of tools for views and niches

Below is a list of the tools I like to use for youtube and boosting videos views.

Finding niches

YouTube Keyword Analyzer 

It's For Adwords But Useful In Global Searching :- Login into a account and click Trending on the left menu
(hardly use this one but is good for seeing what films are trending at the moment)

Marketing Blaster 
(If you have money to spare then video marketing blaster is a handy little tool that will check YouTube and Google for keywords you enter and also the comp level)

(good for views and likes) 
(was good in it's time but seems to of slowed down lately, still good for views and the odd like)
(good for views and likes! Delivered very quick, has a few bugs that need working out and there support team leaves something to be desired. They also have a unique commenter as-well but the best tool is the commenter liker! all though you need to have earn 10,000 credits to begin using this feature! Could be one of the best if they worked the bugs out)
(only fount out about this last night 14/09/12 but is one of my favorites already! You ever wanted to leave vagex or something similar running whilst watching a video on YouTube just to have to keep switching to the vagex browser to mute the video every 30 seconds. This tool once installed allows you to mute individual programmes, simply click the options button and select what software you want muted and it does the rest for you!! Actually managed to watch a film-last night with out having to close my tools) 
(Ccleaner, a very powerful tool indeed! When you clear your cookies via the browser it tends to leave java cookies behind. YouTube and Google can use these to trace your actions and link accounts! Ccleaner gets rid of ALL cookies and clears all the other junk as-well  A must have for anyone trying the YouTube method)