
10 Tips For Writing SEO Friendly Blog Posts

 SEO (search engine optimization) is very essential for your blog, Google or any search engine will never give you top rank in search till you don’t have quality and well SEO post, but writing SEO article is not a simple and easy task task. You have to write a post keeping 10 major things in mind.
10 Tips for Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts
If you will apply all these tips then there is nothing impossible, I know these steps are hard to do but ‘No pain No gain’ so if you want to get a huge traffic through search engine then you need to take few hard steps. So follow these 10 steps which come in my mind I try to put light on these.

 1. Always Include Search Terms in Your Post’s Title

It’s very simple step as you know that there is no need to work hard, use search term title in you blog post, you should know the basic techniques that how should blog title, if I suggest you 60 word character will best but try to close around about 45-50, another technique which is in my mind use digital title as I am using in this post “10 Tops….) so hope you clear about first point.

 2. Opening and Ending

I try to give you tips step by step after title next task will be writing, mostly user read intro of you post, so to give helpful and complete information about your post in your opening paragraph, and at the end give some personal touch/experience about post you aim should that you have to attract reader toward your website that all.

 3.Produce Quality Content Not Quantity

Internet is full with information and articles but your shouldn’t do this, you need to produce quality contents not quantity if you have more then five or six hundred article but all copy write then no advantage, write contents yourself, search from other site and try to do best, many of my readers complain that they know all these things but can’t write English so I suggest them try to explore things hope your English will be perfect.

4. Use Images

Lot’s of newbie doing this mistakes because I visit many blogs daily so they are not using image of media in blog post which can possible killer for you, so if you want to become king in search engine then use one or two images in your post, don’t use too much images because it’s may effected you website loading time, so I suggest you use at least one image in your post.

5. Research Keywords

Keywords is a backbone of your website, as from name “Key” it’s mean the instrument by which lock can open, so keywords is essential for your website, you can search keyword using Google Adwords, lot of other sources are also available but Google Adword is best of all.

6. Publish Regularly

Your main is to hunt search engine, so for that you need to work hard, I am not saying that publish article daily I know it’s very difficult task for any one even for me also but after 2 or 3 day you must post a new article a new thing, advantage of doing this will be that your reader will keep visiting and will explore your site, so don’t leave your blog dull, if you will leave dull Google will also leave you. So keep it in your mind this tip also.

7. Include Links

Inner link or inbound link this link your own website, mean you are writing a post suppose about SEO and you have already post about SEO then link the word “SEO” with your already existing post, advantage will be that Google will index your pages more and more.

8. Encourage Sharing

If you are writing a quality contents not quantity contents as I mention above then user will share you contents automatically then no need to do anything, so if you want to enjoy this taste then write original contents remove the concept of copy write.

9. No grammatical mistakes

Avoid mistakes grammatically and words mistakes also, silly mistakes can be big mistake for you, search engine will not give the importance such contents or such websites, so you need to improve your writing skill and try to make you grammar strong.

10. Heading/Sub Heading and Numbering

Your writing style should be unique, write in heading sub headings and numbers, use H1 tag for you post title and H2 for your sub heading, write article in numbers because may be user have no time to read you complete article, so facilitate to your user write in numbering user will encourage more.