Hi everyone,
This is a rather long post. But please bear with me. I think this will be an eye-opener for many of you.
So, and now let's dive in...
The sad fact is that about 95% all people who go online to become an Internet Marketer will fail in the end. And they not only fail but lose a lot of money in the process!
And all that happens despite the fact that the market is literally flooded with good ebooks, manuals, coaching, membership sites, (about list building, Google Adwords, traffic etc.) that were developed with only one goal in mind - to teach you the knowledge you need to become a successful marketer.
But YOU still struggle to make things work for you.
Right now you most probably belong to one of the following groups:
1. You bought numerous Internet Marketing products (or downloaded them in the member download forum
2. You, too, bought every product out there. But instead of using them to start your own online business, you somehow never take any action towards actually building it. Yes, you have big dreams about it. Yes, you can imagine how thrilling it must be to live the Internet Lifestyle. Yes, you study and learn everything possible for hours a day. Yes, you know you should finally start – BUT you just don’t do it. Something is always
holding you back.
3. You have some success already. You might even earn a 4 or 5 figure income already. But your dreams are much bigger than that. The only thing is, you hit some kind of plateau and you just don’t get to the next level. You know you have the knowledge and determination but you are stuck with this level of income.
There is a reason for it, and no matter at which point you said, “Yes, that’s me,” it’s the same reason for everyone.
It’s the missing link for building the successful Internet business you are dreaming of.
Are you curious what the missing link is?
Let me start with telling you an eye-opening story ( I wrote and published this article years ago)…
"Don't Act Like An Elephant!"
Strange statement, isn't it?
But listen carefully because it can make the difference of success and failure in your business and private life.
So, let me explain...
You might know that in India elephants are used for manual labor. But what to do with them when they are not working? How to restrain them?
Their handlers came up with the idea to program them while they are still very young - by setting self-imposed limits into their thinking.
How does it work?
When the elephants are still small, weighing around 150 pounds, they get tied up with a very heavy rope.
All day long, the elephants try to get rid of it, whine, tug at it and some of them even try to chew it. But they can't break free. Finally, the elephants give up and the fight is over.
And now it's getting interesting...
From this moment on, they strongly believe that there is absolutely no chance to get rid of the rope. They accept the "fact" that the rope limits them.
And with this imprinted belief in place, their handlers are able to tie them with extremely small ropes!
And even as adults, weighing 8,000 pounds and more, they never attempt to break free because they "know"they have no chance at all!
As you can see, the elephants’ limits are not real, but exist only in their mind.
And so are we programmed with built-in-boundaries. They are also not real but exist only in our minds.
But with these imprinted belief systems, with these inner boundaries, we are unable...
- to live our lives to the fullest
- to be as successful as we could be
- to set and reach higher goals
- to make 10 times more money as we do now
- to build a successful business
- to get the promotion and pay increase
we always dreamed of
- to fulfill our true dreams and desires
The point is…
Your Inner Belief Systems Will Make Or Break Your Business!
Let me explain this with a simple 'White Hat' example...
Let’s say you are at a stage of your online business where you have built a list to a certain size. So far you didn’t promote anything but put your efforts into building a relationship with your list members first by providing great content.
But now you think you are ready to give it a shot. You heard about a great product and that marketers who promote this affiliate product achieve great results. For you it’s a no-brainer to go for it as well.
With your list size you expect ‘realistically’ at least 10-15 sales. You put great efforts in creating a convincing email about the product – you hit the
'send' button – and, instead of 10 or even more sales, you make only one.
Depending on your existing inner beliefs one of two things will be happening…
A. If you have any negative beliefs in regards of your business itself or your ability of running a business successfully, you’ll experience thoughts like, “I can’t understand why this is happening to me while everyone else and their dogs are doing great promoting this product; maybe I am simply not good enough to be successful as an Internet Marketer; maybe other marketers have better lists than I; I think the experts were right by telling me that my niche might be too competitive for a newbie to have a chance to make money.” And so on…
B. If your core beliefs regarding your business and your abilities in general are positive, you might have thoughts like, “I expected a little bit more, but hey, at least I made a sale at all; I am really grateful for it; I have accomplished something; I have to tell …(spouse) about my success; I can hardly wait for the next email campaign; I expect even better results next time.” And so on…
A week later there is another opportunity to endorse a good product.
If you were the first marketer (A), you don’t feel that enthusiastic anymore but worry a little about the outcome already, but you still create a rock solid email message - you hit the ‘send’ button - and there are no sales at all from your campaign.
Now you doubt yourself even more. Your feeling of being a failure is deepening. You now really believe that something is wrong with your list. You think you entered your market too late to make any significant profit, etc.
And the worst thing that is happening, you are strengthening your already existing negative belief system! And that will make sure that you’ll go the road leading to more and more disappointments and bad outcomes. And finally you’ll quit and will be convinced Internet Marketing is just not for
A damaging belief, no matter if lying open in your mind or buried deeply inside, will always sabotage a possible positive outcome, no matter how hard you try!
If you were the second marketer (B), you feel great while crafting your endorsement email. You are relaxed and grateful for the chance to make some profit again.
You feel highly motivated, and you expect even better results this time – you hit the ‘send’ button – and (drum rolls, please
You feel even more grateful. Your feeling of accomplishment is deepening. Your self-confidence is rising. And, most importantly, you are strengthening your already existing positive belief that will support you in everything you are going to do from here on.
From this moment on you are on the road to success not only in email marketing but in all areas of your business. Your positive belief, your ability to feel grateful for even small victories (sales) and your positive expectation will get you more and more things, results and circumstances you can be grateful for.
Because it is so important to understand I want to repeat it one more time.
The chances for the first marketer are slim to none to make any significant profit with his/her business. The negative belief system that is controlling his or her life will always sabotage the chance for big, long lasting success.
Bottom line: your perception of yourself is the vital key to your success.It's because of self-imposed limits. Your inner boundaries will always sabotage true, long-lasting success - no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try.
So, I hope you now have something to think about.